How to Hide the Windows Taskbar Using a Shortcut Key

How to Hide the Windows Taskbar Using a Shortcut Key

The taskbar has been a part of Windows since Windows 95 and it’s used to show which apps or programs you have open so you can then toggle between them as you… Read More
How to Create Mute and Unmute Volume Keyboard Shortcuts

How to Create Mute and Unmute Volume Keyboard Shortcuts

Computers have been around for as long as most of us can remember and we all use them for different purposes such as browsing the internet, sending emails, editing photos, working on… Read More
How to Show or Hide Specific Windows Settings

How to Show or Hide Specific Windows Settings

If you are a power Windows user or do any type of Windows\systems administration type job, then you have most likely spent a lot of time in the Windows settings app. There… Read More
The Windows 11 Settings App Overview

The Windows 11 Settings App Overview

Windows 11 has been around for some time now and has some nice features that Windows 10 doesn’t have yet is still missing some of the functionality that we loved in Windows… Read More
Copy Files to a Hyper-V VM by Mounting its Virtual Disk File on Your Host Computer

Copy Files to a Hyper-V VM by Mounting its Virtual Disk File on Your Host Computer

Virtualization is the process of creating virtual versions of computers that run within software on a physical host computer. This allows you to run multiple virtual machines (VMs) with their own operating… Read More
Install the Windows Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) in Windows 11

Install the Windows Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) in Windows 11

If you are a Windows or system administrator then you are most likely responsible for managing your Windows servers and their corresponding roles such as DHCP, Active Directory, WSUS, DNS, Remote Access… Read More
How to Change File and Folder Date & Time Attributes Via the Command Line

How to Change File and Folder Date & Time Attributes Via the Command Line

When creating and modifying files and folders, Windows will use date and time stamps with these files and folders so you will know when they were made and also when they were… Read More
How to Disable the Windows Lock Screen & Go Right to the Login Prompt

How to Disable the Windows Lock Screen & Go Right to the Login Prompt

When you start your computer, Windows will boot up and take you to the login prompt screen where you can then enter your password, PIN or use another login method such as… Read More
How to Pin a Folder to the Taskbar in Windows 11

How to Pin a Folder to the Taskbar in Windows 11

If you have been using Windows 11 for any amount of time and came from Windows 10, you most likely have noticed that things such as the start menu and taskbar are… Read More
Switch a Standard Windows Account to an Admin Account Without Being a Local Administrator

Switch a Standard Windows Account to an Admin Account Without Being a Local Administrator

In order to be able to perform any task on your Windows computer, you will need to either log in with an account that has administrator access or know the credentials to… Read More
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