View Detailed Information About the Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connections in Range of Your Computer

View Detailed Information About the Wireless (Wi-Fi) Connections in Range of Your Computer

You might have noticed these days that just about everything is connected to the internet including our TVs and even refrigerators! And even though most computers come with an Ethernet port for… Read More
How to Fix the VMware Workstation Virtual Machine Disconnected Network Issue

How to Fix the VMware Workstation Virtual Machine Disconnected Network Issue

There are many desktop virtualization programs you can use on your home computer or even in the office, and most of them do a good job at allowing you to easily create… Read More
How to Rename Your Network Connection & Adapter Names in Windows

How to Rename Your Network Connection & Adapter Names in Windows

Microsoft Windows uses connection names and adapter names for both Ethernet and wireless network connections. For the adapter name it will be something similar to Ethernet or maybe Ethernet2 if you have… Read More
Prevent Your Windows Mobile Hotspot from Turning Itself Off

Prevent Your Windows Mobile Hotspot from Turning Itself Off

If it weren’t for the ability to use the internet, many people probably wouldn’t even own a computer since many people use them mainly for email and web browsing. And for those… Read More
Everything You Must Know About Internet Throttling

Everything You Must Know About Internet Throttling

Have you ever experienced the frustration of internet suddenly slowing down for no apparent reason while streaming your favorite show? Well, you might be a victim of ISP throttling without even knowing… Read More
How to Configure Unique Host-Only Networks for VMs with VMware Workstation

How to Configure Unique Host-Only Networks for VMs with VMware Workstation

If you in charge of your virtualization platform at work or maybe even use some of the available desktop virtualization software that is available for you to use at home, then you… Read More
How to Connect to a Windows 11 (or 10) Home Edition PC Using Remote Desktop

How to Connect to a Windows Home Edition PC Using Remote Desktop

If you do any type of Windows system administration or desktop support work, then you have most likely had the need to make a remote connection to another computer on the network.… Read More
How to Configure Your HP Printer to Use a Static IP Address

How to Configure Your HP Printer to Use a Static IP Address

Most of use have a printer or two attached to our computer at the home or at the office and there are many ways to connect to our computer. Many printers these… Read More
AppArmor and HTTPS on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 2019

AppArmor and HTTPS on Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 2019

Application Armor provides Mandatory Access Control, a security feature that allows one to block applications from accessing specific folders or the Internet. The AppArmor resource is installed and automatically selected in Ubuntu… Read More
Cybersecurity Awareness: Empowering Individuals and Organizations to Combat Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity Awareness: Empowering Individuals and Organizations to Combat Cyber Threats

Cyber threats are growing more sophisticated and frequent, posing immense risks to individuals and organizations worldwide. From ransomware attacks that lock down computer systems to data breaches exposing sensitive customer information, the… Read More
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