How to Add a Border to a Picture in Windows Without Any Additional Software

With everyone having smartphones on them 24×7, we tend to take more pictures than we need to and for the most part, many of these photos stay on our phones and nobody ever sees them. But if you are the type who likes to share, print or edit your photos then you may find that you want to add a border to a certain picture to add some style to it.

There are many photo editing programs that you can use to enhance and edit your pictures. Some of them are free and some of them can be quite expensive. If you just want to add a simple border to a picture in Windows, you can easily do so without using any additional software.

The app we will be using to add a border to a picture is called the Snipping Tool and it comes built into Windows. The Snipping Tool is used to take screenshots on your computer and can also be used to record videos of your screen. It even has an OCR function which you may find useful. You can find it under your apps on the Start menu or by searching for Snipping Tool in the Windows taskbar search box.

Once you have the Snipping Tool open, simply go to the ellipsis at the upper right corner of the app and select Settings.

Snipping Tool settings

Next, you will need to enable the setting that says Add border to each screenshot.

How to Add a Border to a Picture in Windows Without Any Additional Software

You can then choose the border thickness and color from these settings.

Snipping Tool border color

Once you have these settings configured, you can go back to the ellipsis and choose Open file and browse for the photo you want to add a border to. When you open the photo, the border will automatically be added to the image. Then you can click the Save as button and save the picture with a new name or overwrite the current file.

How to Add a Border to a Picture in Windows Without Any Additional Software

Now when you open your photo in your default photo viewer app, it will have the new border around the picture.

How to Add a Border to a Picture in Windows Without Any Additional Software

One thing to keep in mind when using the Snipping Tools to add a border to a picture in Windows is that if you use the app to take screenshots, they will automatically have the border added to them unless you go back in the settings and disable the Add border to each screenshot setting.

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