How to Use the Microsoft Word\Office Clipboard History

If you use a Windows computer at home or at the office, there is a good chance that it has Microsoft Office installed with applications such as Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint. And if you use your computer on a regular basis, you most likely copy and paste text or images on a daily basis.

You may even be using the Windows clipboard history feature that lets you go back to previously copied text and images and then re-paste them as needed.

Microsoft Office has its own clipboard history feature that you can use in addition to the Windows clipboard history, and it will work even if the Windows version is disabled. In this article, we will be showing you how to use the Microsoft Office clipboard history tool.

The Office clipboard history tool is enabled by default and to access it, you can simply click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the Clipboard group in the Home tab. If you have not copied any text or images yet, you will not see anything there.

How to Use the Microsoft Word\Office Clipboard History

Once you start copying items on your computer, you will see them appear in the Clipboard section. One thing you need to keep in mind is that not everything you copy will necessarily be able to be kept on the Office clipboard and you will be notified when this is the case.

How to Use the Microsoft Word\Office Clipboard History

Another thing you should see is a popup at the lower right of the Windows taskbar by the clock telling you how many items have been copied so far. This is also where you will notified when a copied item cannot be kept on the Office clipboard.

Clipboard notification

As you copy more items, they will show up in the Clipboard section with the newest item on top of the list. You can paste everything in the Clipboard section at once by clicking on the Paste All button or remove everything from the list by clicking on the Clear All button. When you paste something from the Clipboard section, it will be placed wherever you have your cursor within your document or whichever cell you have selected if you are in Excel.

How to Use the Microsoft Word\Office Clipboard History

To paste an individual item into your document, you can simply click on that item in the Clipboard section or click the down arrow next to that item and choose Paste. You can also delete the individual item by clicking on Delete.

How to Use the Microsoft Word\Office Clipboard History

At the bottom of the Clipboard window, you can click on the Options button to customize how the Office Clipboard works.

Clipboard History option

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