How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

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Microsoft Office, which consists of various applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook comes with a variety of fonts that you can use within your documents, spreadsheets, presentations and emails. And when you install additional software on your computer, sometimes they will add their own fonts.

Viewing Available Office Downloadable Cloud Fonts

You might have noticed certain fonts have a cloud icon next to them when viewing your font dropdown list. There are cloud fonts and are not installed on your computer until you click on the cloud icon and then they will be downloaded so you can use them just like any other font. But if you were to go to your Windows fonts section, you will not find these downloaded cloud fonts there. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot manage these fonts. In this article, we will be showing you how to view, delete & disable Microsoft Office downloaded cloud fonts.

The image below shows the font dropdown list in Microsoft Word and as you can see, there are many fonts that have the cloud download icon next to them. Let’s say I wanted to use the Abadi Extra Light font in my document. All I would need to do is click on the cloud icon next to it and it will be instantly installed on my PC.

How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

Now you can see that the Abadi Extra Light font no longer has the cloud icon next to it meaning its now installed on my computer and can be used with Word and all of the other Office programs.

How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

If you would like to see where these Office cloud fonts are located on your computer, you can open File Explorer and navigate to the following directory. You will need to replace USERNAME with the username associated with your Windows login.


If you do not see the AppData or one of the other folders, then you may need to enable hidden files and folders in the File Explorer options.

File Explorer options show hidden files and folders

Deleting Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

Once you are in the CloudFonts folder, you will see each font that has been downloaded and they will be in their own individual folder. To remove one or more of these Office cloud download fonts, you can simply delete the folder with the name of the font you wish to remove. You will need to close your Office applications first or you will get an error telling you that the folder is open in another program.

How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

Once you delete a font from the CloudFonts folder, it will go back to having a cloud download icon next to it so it can be downloaded again if needed.

How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

Disabling Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

If you no longer want to see any of these cloud fonts in your font dropdown list, you can disable this feature so it will only show you your regular installed Windows fonts.

To do so, go to the File tab in one of the Office apps and then to Account. Then you will need to click on the Manage Settings button under Account Privacy to be taken to the privacy settings.

Word Account Privacy settings

Once you are in the privacy settings, scroll down to the Connected experiences section and look for a setting labeled Experiences that download online content and uncheck the box that says Turn on experiences that download online content.

How to View, Delete & Disable Microsoft Office Downloaded Cloud Fonts

One thing to note here is that this can disable other Office features that use online content such as templates, images and videos. So, if you find that something stops working after disabling this feature, you may have to come back and re-enable it.

Once you click the OK button, you will see a message telling you that Office needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect.

Office restart required prompt

Now when you go back into an Office app and look at your fonts, you will only see fonts that are actually installed on your computer.

You can also remove the save to OneDrive option by editing the privacy settings if desired.

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