Are Your Chrome Credentials Secure?

Are Your Chrome Credentials Secure? Many people like to store their website passwords within their browser so they can be auto filled when you go to the site, so you don’t need… Read More

Microsoft to Bring Back Optional Windows Updates

Windows 10 Optional Updates Coming Soon If you can remember the good old days of Windows 7 where we got to decide what patches we installed on our computers when it came… Read More

Google working on a new backward and forward cache feature for an upcoming version of Chrome

Use Some Cache to Speed Up Chrome If you use the popular Google Chrome web browser then you might be interested in hearing about the new feature that Google is working on… Read More

WPA2 Protected Wi-Fi Networks May Be Easy to Hack After All

WPA2 May Not Be So Secure After All With WPA2 being the latest and greatest wireless security standard of course there will be people looking to hack into WPA2 protected networks for… Read More

New WPA3 Wi-Fi Security Coming Soon

WPA3 Wireless Security is Coming to Save Us! Wi-Fi is a way of life for almost everyone these days. If your computer at home doesn’t use a wireless connection to the Internet… Read More

Net Neutrality Protection Has Expired – What’s Next?

Will Net Neutrality Save or Destroy the Internet? Back in 2015, a set of rules designed to protect us from unfair Internet practices called Net Neutrality was put into place but as… Read More

AMD and Qualcomm Moving in on Intel PC Processor Dominance

Who Will be the Future King of the Processor? When it comes to desktop computer processors and even server processors, Intel has enjoyed being the king of the CPU for some time… Read More

Microsoft Holds off on its Next Windows 10 Update Thanks to a Bug

Microsoft Holds off on its Next Windows 10 Update Thanks to a Bug Ever since Microsoft said that Windows 10 will be the last version of the desktop version of Windows they… Read More

YouTube Changes Video Monetization Requirements

YouTube taking money away from the little guys I’m sure you have noticed that when you watch pretty much any YouTube video these days that there will be some kind of ad… Read More

Older Versions of Windows to Suffer the Most from the Spectre & Meltdown Patches

Should you be concerned about the Spectre & Meltdown patches? Windows users are used to seeing warnings about viruses, spyware and security flaws for Windows but once in a while it’s not… Read More
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