How secure is your business?
One of the concerns that must be taken care of when running any kind of business in the modern world is cybersecurity. Despite the plethora of benefits and convenience provided by the internet and digital technology in general, with those come many cases of cyberattacks that have arisen in the past years and continue to rise until today. Unfortunately, they might happen to you anytime as well.
Cyberattacks are dangerous because they can be done for the sake of blackmailing and identity theft, among other malicious purposes. In order to combat cybercrime, businesses must protect their online services and data by adopting several cybersecurity principles. These strategies will help you make secure transactions online, safeguard the files that you store on your devices, and shield you from exposure and attacks. Read on to find out what they are.
1. Conduct Phishing Simulations
One of the most common ways intruders attack an online system is through phishing. Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that deceives users by prompting them to click on a malicious link or message often disguised as trustworthy. Through phishing simulations, employees and employers alike will know not to click on random links or download unknown files onto their computers.
Such simulated phishing attacks can help everyone in the company understand how it’s like to be a victim of phishing so that if they encounter the real thing, they can figure out what and what not to do. You may want to invite third parties, partners, and other trusted organizations so they’ll also be aware of the cybersecurity principles you’re reinforcing and perhaps take the same measures.
2. Have A Cybersecurity Awareness Orientation
Among the most crucial steps to avoid being attacked online is to educate your employees on the potential threats and risks they might encounter when browsing or using the internet. Disseminate an informative post or conduct an orientation about cybersecurity awareness, especially to employees who have to make online transactions as part of their day-to-day tasks
A cybersecurity awareness orientation involves activities such as teaching employees how to create unique and strong passwords, be familiar with phishing attachments or links, and spot malicious applications. You could also establish a cyberattack defense strategy for everyone to follow so that when things get out of control, all employees can take immediate action and ultimately minimize the damage caused.
3. Keep Track Of User And File Activity
Having an effective and strong monitoring system could help you safeguard your business files and data. There’re professional and skilled insiders that can invade your computer systems to control and access your files without you knowing. Fortunately, there are programs that’ll allow you to track your activity history and check the sites and files you’ve accessed.
Monitoring those can help you see if there are links you didn’t access present in the file activity, which would mean that other people are accessing your account or computer. Keeping track of your user and file activity enables you to detect unusual activities and take the necessary steps to address them.
Managers and employers should also track their employees activities so they can see if there’s anything suspicious going on. While it may seem excessive to some employees, you have to let them know that it’s all about ensuring cybersecurity.
4. Have A List Of People With Privileged Access
In companies, it’s not unusual that there are people who are given privileged access to confidential files and data stored in the business’ system. They’re considered trustworthy and responsible enough to handle such private information. That level of access is normally given to higher-ups or those in executive positions, but it may also be granted to ordinary employees if truly needed
However, even if privileged access is for individuals who’ve proven themselves to be honest and dependable, employers must still audit their activities regularly. Granting high-level access comes with potential risks, so knowing who has it will make it easier for you to discern how a certain attack could’ve happened and who may be responsible for the cybersecurity issue.
5. Back Up Important Business Data And Information
Another safety precaution to consider to avoid being a victim of cybercrime is to back up your data on a regular basis. Data losses aren’t only due to malicious attacks but also because of human error, so it’s important to have at least a weekly or monthly backup of important data and information. In doing so, you’ll have a secure archive on a separate device or in a cloud system.
Final Thoughts
Adopting several cybersecurity principles is the most efficient step in combating and preventing various forms of cyberattacks. Furthermore, being prepared makes you resilient and unbeatable even if such incidents occur, so you can protect your business operations against cybersecurity threats.
Strong, comprehensive cybersecurity measures can help businesses save money as well as their reputation. Given the increasing number of cyberattacks these days, you have to incorporate such measures into your company so you can avoid becoming a victim and keep your business afloat for years to come.
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