Microsoft Word allows you to add watermarks to your documents. Watermarks are light images or text that behind regular text in your document. I’m sure you have seen one of those documents with Draft or Confidential written lightly in the background as to not cover the real text that is placed over the watermark.
The procedure is different depending on what version of Word you are using but you can get pretty much the same results in any version of Word.
For Word 2003 Open the document you want to add a watermark to. Click on the Format menu, Background, and then click on Printed watermark. The Printed watermark window will open with 3 choices. These choices include No watermark, Picture watermark and Text watermark. The No Watermark option can be used to remove a previously added watermark.
If you select Picture watermark you can click the Select Picture button to find the picture you want used as your watermark. You can also select the size of the picture and if you want it to be washed out behind your text.
Finally you can pick Printed Watermark to have a watermark made of text. From here you can change what the text says, font, size, color, position and transparency.
After you select your type of watermark and configure the options then click Ok and Word inserts the watermark in the center of each page.
For newer versions of Word and either go to the Page Layout tab and in the Page Background group click Watermark or go to the Design tab and then click the Watermark button. You can either click a predesigned watermark in the gallery of watermarks or click Custom Watermark and then click Text watermark and then select or type the text that you want.
To view a watermark as it will appear on the printed page, use Print Layout view.