Everyone likes to customize their computer with things such as changing their desktop background or adding a theme to Windows itself. But how about customizing the look of your programs? That may be a little too much for some people but if you are one of those people who like to customize everything you can then you can do so with your Microsoft Office software as well.
Microsoft allows you to change the color or theme of your Office software to 3 different colors allowing you to have a custom look for Word, Excel, Access and so on. This is a real easy thing to change if you want a new look for your Office programs.
To get to the color scheme option within Office 2007 simply open any Office program and click on the Office button/orb and then click on the Word Options button if you are in Word or the Excel Options button if you are in Excel and so on. In the Popular section you can change the color scheme from the default blue to either silver or black.
For Office 2010 and up go to the File tab and then click on Options. Then in the General section you can change the default silver color scheme to blue or black.
Here is the black look
Here is the silver look
And here is the blue look
Newer versions of Office have different color selections such as Colorful, Dark Grey and White.