How has Technology Revolutionized Education?

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Technology has almost touched all industries. It not only changed the way of working but also made it quite interesting and easier. Take the automobile industry for example; in the past, people use to build cars by their own hands. Then a new method was introduced. It replaces all the manual labor work with machines. This increased efficiency and provides high-quality products in less time.

It is necessary to take another example of the transport industry. In the old era, it would take almost a month to successfully deliver cargo. Thanks to advanced technology, the work is reduced by 80% and now postal companies can deliver fast and safely. Even more, advancements are on its way such as self-driving technology.

What about the education sector? Yes, technology has also influenced the education sector as well. Not only it changes the manner but it also makes education more fun as well as made it easy to learn. Below are some ways how technology has influenced the education sector.


Online Courses
Now students can have access to courses, notes, and lectures while sitting at home. This was a very hard a few decades before. They need to go far from their homes to attend lectures. They also needed to record lectures or write notes by themselves.

Not anymore, because now the online course’s method is introduced. Many high ranked institutions are offering online courses. Students just need good internet and a laptop, computer or mobile and they can access to course anytime. As a result of this technology, the geographical barriers are overcome and now everyone can have high-quality education while sitting at home.

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New Content
Thanks to the advanced technology, learners can easily access to new and updated content. Learners can access to e-books at any time and from anywhere. Technology is now further taking another step by providing students 3D models (in engineering and medical field) to making learning easier.

This high-quality content is very beneficial for students. These E-books offer students enough knowledge that they can even earn money from it. It is needed to imagine a student who recently learned about AutoCAD and creative writing. Such a student can offer other people paper writing service, make a design by using AutoCAD, etc.

One of the examples is the DigiSkills website. It is a website where they offer learners updated and high-quality content through E-books and online courses. They provide learners vast knowledge that they started serving people as freelancers.


The online courses have gained much popularity in recent years. The reason is that students can learn at their own pace. In the past era, students were forced to follow a strict timeline. Today, technology allowed learners to learn at their own rate.

Another positive point is that the student can repeat the lecture over and over again. They can pause or repeat the lecture for revision as many times as they want.


Easy to interact with the teacher
It is now possible for students can easily interact with their teacher while sitting at home. Even after attending the live session or watching recorded videos, students might have questions. Technology developed a new system through which students can contact teachers. That method is known as Instant Messaging application. It doesn’t only benefits student but teachers/instructors as well. Teachers can also share files through these applications as well.


Online Quizzes and Assessments
Now it is easier for an institution to conduct tests online. That is not all, mostly institutions reveal the result as soon as test finishes which tells students where they are lacking. It does not finish here; technology is getting more advanced day by day. Now institutes can record, analysis and collect data of student’s performance as well. This helps institutes by telling them individual student’s academic records and performance.

Submitting assignments is now easier. In the old days, teachers use to give students a limited time in a day to submit their assignments but not anymore. This technology also helps teachers as well. They can access assignments anytime they want. The best part is that assignments are stored on the cloud. This means that teachers can access it from anywhere and at any time, download it and can save it as long as they want.


Is Technology a Blessing or a Curse?
Life is the integrity and struggle of opposite sides. This saying is being confirmed every day. All the achievements of science and technology obey it. After all, it is impossible to give an unambiguous assessment. For example, what is a car – a means of transportation, without which a person no longer thinks of living, or an evil that kills thousands of lives every day. What about the computer? Irreplaceable assistant or omnivorous monster? Disputes about how harmful the achievements of technology, continue every single day. However, it is already impossible to stop progress. Still, we need to agree that we will not be able to keep living without a smartphone, computer or other technological advances.

Technology played a very important role in education. It not only helps on an online platform but also helps in real-life classrooms. Although there are many advantages of digitalized learning, unfortunately, there are some disadvantages as well.

One of the biggest disadvantages is that it eliminates face-to-face interactions. This affects the student’s confidence. If students have weak confidence then how will they pass interviews while applying for jobs? Students also suffer from a lack of ability to teamwork. Teamwork is very important, especially in industries. Learners stay at home and spend most of their time in front of the computer, laptop or mobile, which is unhealthy for them.

Despite all the negative points, technology has ensured the student a bright future of learning. It also brings all learners from all over the world to increase their knowledge and to learn something new.


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